
How to Add Value to Your Home with Painting & Decorating 

By  admin

Adding value to your home doesn’t have to be as hard as you think. Installing a new roof or adding on to your home may increase its value, but it can also cost you more money than you’re looking to spend right now (or ever).

Luckily, painting and decorating can add just as much value as those upgrades. If not more, and won’t break the bank in the process. Here are some ways you can use painting and decorating to add value to your home.

Enhance curb appeal   

Improving your home’s appearance makes it more likely that you’ll be able to sell or rent it. So start by fixing any broken exterior features, including leaky gutters, loose tiles, and peeling paint. Next, think about ways you can make your home look bigger on its lot.

Adding a pergola over a deck or patio is one way to do so; planting large trees at each corner of your property will also help. In addition, consider replacing old windows with energy-efficient models and installing new carpeting throughout your house.

Finally, don’t forget about lighting: Invest in dimmer switches for lamps in living rooms and bedrooms as well as outdoor lights around patios and decks. These upgrades can increase curb appeal while also saving you money on energy bills!

Focal point in any room

By strategically choosing color schemes, you can make a room feel bigger. For example, in a small room, opt for light colors on walls and ceiling; in a large space, go darker. Contrasting colors—like orange and blue—work well together as well; so if you’re really concerned about making an area look more expansive, try it out!

This is especially helpful when using bolder hues like red or yellow. Just be sure not to use too many contrasting colors at once or your room will start looking like a circus instead of a home. In addition to contrast, don’t forget that certain shades will give off warm or cool vibes.

A room decorated in cooler tones—blues and greens—will seem larger than one decorated in warmer shades such as reds and yellows. However, mixing both warm and cool tones might help create a sense of balance.

Be careful though: too much white could also make your space seem smaller because it reflects light from all directions. So if you want a bright, airy feeling in your room, avoid white paint completely.

Instead, choose lighter colors with a bit of grey or black mixed in (think pale blues and grays). These colors are called cool neutrals because they reflect light without adding any additional warmth to your space. If you have high ceilings and want them to appear lower (to make rooms look more spacious), paint them dark brown or black.

The contrast between these deep colors and light walls will trick your eyes into thinking there’s less space above you. Also, keep in mind that painting over existing wallpaper is a great way to update a room without spending money on new furniture or other decor items.

The easiest way to do it?  Tape off everything but what you want to keep, then apply a coat of primer before painting. That way, if something goes wrong during application, you can just peel off your mistake and start again. When buying paints for your home project, be sure to ask which type is best suited for each surface.

There are several different kinds’ available acrylic. Latex/water-based emulsion and oil-based enamel among them—and each has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on where it’s being applied.

Create ambiance

Ambiance is perhaps one of your strongest tools. With paint, mirrors, rugs and other surface coverings, you can easily change a room’s mood. Colors and patterns have specific effects on moods. For example, warm colors like red or yellow can boost energy levels. While cool tones like blue or green have a calming effect.

Similarly, decor elements like mirrors to increase perceived space in small rooms. It’s an easy trick for adding value without making major structural changes to your home. If you’re ready to tackle painting and decorating, consider starting by tackling small projects that won’t cost much time or money but will have a big impact on ambiance—like hanging wall art or putting up curtains. You can then use these finished spaces as staging areas for future projects—and save yourself some trouble later down the road.  

Interiors matter too

When you look at a house, you’re also looking at everything inside it: walls, floors, ceilings, cabinets. Every detail matters because every detail can add or subtract value. Though updates and decor changes will vary by homeowner and space. There are plenty of ways to upgrade your home that won’t break your budget.

The most popular way people add value is through painting—with good reason. A fresh coat of paint instantly enhances any room in which it’s applied. And if you don’t like what you see? Paint over it again! (This is called painting over a mistake.) It doesn’t take much effort to update your interior décor; all it takes is some imagination and patience.  

Sticking to neutral shades

In order to sell your home, it’s important that you don’t detract from its value in any way. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is choosing bold and risky paint colors for their walls and trim.

A recent study showed that by painting a room a different color than it was originally. Homeowners decreased their house’s resale value by as much as 5%. Keep your rooms neutral so you can let them speak for themselves.

You want buyers to fall in love with your house because they love how it looks, not because they’re excited about what they could do with it once they own it. You want people who visit your home to imagine living there—not see what needs fixing first.  

Paint is easy and quick to apply on walls

Paint is easy and quick to apply, especially when you use a roller. If you’re looking for a really simple and cost-effective way of updating your home’s decor, consider painting. A fresh coat of paint can change up colors and patterns on your walls. Giving your space a whole new look and feel.

Choose from different colors of paint or wallpapers, depending on what kind of ambiance you’re going for in that room.

Spruce up your doors   

When you paint your front and back doors, it makes a big difference in your home’s curb appeal. Make sure you paint these high-traffic areas a warm color—like red or orange—that will make your house look lively and inviting.

Try not to skimp on quality, though; if you go cheap on door paints, they might peel off soon after application. As for what kind of paint to use, try an eggshell finish for both interior and exterior doors. It’s durable enough that it won’t wear away easily from frequent use but also soft enough that it won’t scratch easily either.

If you’re worried about your doorknobs looking outdated, replace them with new ones (the easiest way is by using an adhesive) or just apply some new finishes over them. You can also repaint any other metal fixtures like hinges, locksets, and door handles to give them a fresh coat of paint as well.  

A few tips to paint exteriors

It’s generally easier and faster to paint exteriors in warm, dry weather. In addition, certain types of paints are better for different kinds of surfaces. Many experts suggest using oil-based exterior paints for wood or steel siding and latex paints for stucco.

To create a more durable finish, apply a primer coat first and then top it off with two coats of paint. An exterior paint job can take anywhere from one day to a week depending on how big your house is and how much detail work you do. Interior painting jobs can take even longer—up to several weeks—depending on how large your home is and whether you do any decorating yourself.

When you’re ready to hire an interior painter, make sure he or she is licensed by your state (most states require a license) and has liability insurance that covers damage caused by negligence or accidents during the job.

Hiring someone who isn’t licensed or insured could be dangerous to you and your property. And when you’re looking at estimates, ask if there are any additional fees besides just labor charges; some companies charge extra for things like cleaning up debris. The cost of hiring a professional may seem high, but remember that it costs money to have someone else do something you could easily do yourself.


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